Friday, May 6, 2011

My Man

So Wren and I were laying on our bed the other day and he was just staring at me.... Here's some mumbo jumbo that came spilling out of his trap all within five minutes.....

"Cool, that's an interesting color of blush you wore today" (Ummm, thanks?)

"Can I touch your neck, it looks like a turtle right now" (Thanks again)

"Woah, when did you grow out your bangs? " (My bangs have been grown out for almost TWO years and are like two inches past my chin! "Let's try curling them so they swoop under you chin Sav" (Cousin It Anyone?)

"Let's call Rache and tell her we hate her bangs to be funny k?" (SAD, but would actually be quite funny considering I just cut them and told her I loved them and she's still nervous about it)

Wow, someone was on a role! After all this, I STILL love this man ever so much. Why? Because he says it like it is. No hidden messages, no hidden agendas, no hinting, just a simple minded guy. Plus, he tells me how beautiful he thinks I am like a million times a day, so I guess I can take some constructive criticism every once in a while.... The turtle neck though? I'm still getting over that one ;) So in retaliation, I will do this, because I do what I want:


saraanddevin said...

dont worry s boo my neck looks like a turtle to!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Matt, Brittany, Kaden & Colton said...

I literally just spit my drink!! Laugh out freaking loud!! "Can I touch your neck? It looks like a turtle right now." ?????? You need to have a book dedicated to the things that Wren says.

Ostler said...

Ba ha ha. Seriously, I feel like Erik and Wren would be such good friends. Reading this totally cracked me up.

Wren said...

Sav, I do those things cause I like when you attack me! It is too much fun!